About Green Credit, LLC

Green Credit, LLC is a Nebraska Limited Liability Corporation.

The Green Credit family of companies offers many services to help you and/or your clients better their financial situation. Our services include: Credit Enhancement, Debt Settlement, Loss Mitigation and Loan Modification assistance, along with educating people on how to utilize credit wisely. We offer workshops to corporations to educate their employees on how to have a stronger financial future.

Green Credit's family of companies works exclusively with mortgage professionals, real estate agents, financial planners, attorneys, recruiters, insurance agents, CPAs, etc. to help their clients attain their true, accurate credit scores so they will have a better opportunity at getting a lower interest rate on their financing and lower payments on their insurance, help people avoid bankruptcy and foreclosure and help people get hired and promoted. All of these factors are determined by your credit score at some point.  All services performed are in conjuction with obtaining a mortgage or real estate transaction.  

A simple fact: 80% of all credit reports have inaccurate, outdated or erroneous information. The average credit score is 698 (Experian). That means over half of the population has a score under 700 and is receiving higher rates on Mortgages, Insurance and Installment loans. When it comes to your credit history, Green Credit is here to help with free consultations.

Information verification and correction is what we do.

Call us today!


Green Credit, LLC exists solely for marketing purposes, client awareness and education. 

Green Credit, LLC does not accept compensation in any form for the above mentioned services..  Green Credit, LLC is simply an educational and marketing services provided by affiliate companies.